For years, Pleatco Filtration (combining APEL, MPF & TVS Filters) has been an industry leader in the design & manufacture of replacement filter elements for baghouses, dust collectors and dry process equipment. We offer you quality crafted filters for all brands of OEM equipment, manufactured from our broad range of filter medias and components. With Pleatco’s top-rated customer service and expert technical support, we’ll carefully assess your filtration needs and construct a standard or custom filter for you. The results of our labor will be reflected in the efficient performance of your operating systems with high efficiencies and minimum downtime.
With over 3000 part numbers in our cross-reference database, let us help you with your replacement
filter needs.
Looking for a part number you can't seem to find? Reach out to us and let our
team help.
- Airflow
- Apel
- Clarcor
- Donaldson
- Environmental Filter
- Farr
*All names listed are registered trademarks by their respective owners.
- Fleet Life
- Koch
- Micro Air
- Provent
- Sullair
- UAS & Many More!

Pleatco products are specifically designed for industrial applications that include but not limited to the following industries:
- Welding
- Metal Grinding
- Co-Generation
- Powder Coating
- Pharmaceuticals
- Foundries
- Mining
- Pollution Control
- Woodworking
- Laser Cutting
- Mixing Equipment
- Cement
- Pneumatic Conveying
- Industrial Vacuum
- Blasting
- Food Processing

Built to OEM Specifications
We stand behind our products and the team who makes them. Our complete focus is excellent customer service. Our mantra each day is “constant improvement”.

Let Us Work with You
For customer convenience, we stock thousands of popular OEM style filters
at our manufacturing facility, which can ship in 24 hours. You can also arrange for our highly
trusted private labeling, drop-shipments, and blanket order programs.
Regardless of size,
we provide all our customers with answers to their technical questions, develop workable
cost-effective solutions for their filter problems, and provide them with filters from our full
range of standard and custom products.

Media Options
We offer a variety of media options including Cellulose Polyester, Spunbond, Nano, and more!
MediasBuild Your Filter
Custom Engineering & Specialty Filters
Let us work together to build the perfect product you wish to engineer for your special application, project or customer. We’ll flesh out the basics here and one of our filter pros will help get it quoted, built and into the field ASAP.
Let's Go!